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1 Basic Framework of Training System 

1.1  Training System Structure (three layers)
1.1.1 Employee Training Administrative Committee 
The Employee Training Administrative Committee is composed of leaders from relevant departments, with SNEC General Manager as Director and the Vice General Manager in charge of employee training as Associate Director.
1.1.2 Human Resource Department
Human Resource Department is the functional department for employee training, it is in charge of training and development activities in SNEC. 
1.1.3 Business Units

All business units are responsible for staff training of its own.
1.2 Training management procedure documents 
“SNEC Staff Training Management Rules” is a controlled procedure document within SNEC ISO9001 Quality Management System and SNEC HSE Management System.


2 Training  Categories
2.1 New employee training: includes introduction of SNEC, its organization, main business system, professional quality, corporate culture, team spirit, etc. 
2.2 Basic training: includes degree courses education, academic education, language training, tool training, codes & standards and system training, capability development and occupational development training.
2.3 Management training: includes management and guidance training, decision-making training, business administration and economic training, etc. 
2.4 Speciality training: includes professional technology training, project management training, skill and operation training, etc.
2.5 New technology training: includes the training required for research and development, technical innovation, management innovation, etc.
2.6 Qualification training: includes various registered qualification training, post qualification training and continuous education training to renew corresponding qualifications.
2.7 Internationalization talents training: mainly focus on high level internationalization talents training for business management and professional technologies.


3 Main Style of Training and Development 
3.1 Classroom course (inside or outside SNEC)
3.2 On-the-job training (internal training, or competition)
3.3 Subject research (special subject research and technical exchange)
3.4 Distance education (internal network, external network)
3.5 Special lectures (inside or outside SNEC)
3.6 Intercross training among specialties (internal training)
3.7 Overseas short period training and college-enterprise cooperation training
3.8 Tutor system