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Workshop on Enterprise Culture Solicitation and Evaluation Held in the Company

On the morning of August 24th, the company held a workshop on corporateculture solicitation and evaluation in No 211 meeting room of its home office.Mr. Xu Yijun, executive director and secretary of the corporate CPC committeeattended the meeting and specified his requirements. The workshop was presidedover by Mr. Wang Jianlin, deputy secretary of the corporate CPC committee.Leaders from office of corporate culture construction committee and special workteam, secretaries of the party organization directly under the company,sectional directors of the home office and representatives of young employeesattended the meeting.

On the workshop, the teams for core culture, safety culture, quality culture,integrity culture, operation culture, legal culture and talent culture reportedrespectively carry-out of their activities relating with the culturesolicitation and evaluation.

The office of the enterprise culture construction committee reporteddiscussions on corporate culture solicitation and evaluation. On July 17th, thecompany held a meeting to kick off the discussion, solicitation and evaluationof corporate culture, since then, the company worked positively in promotingthe event by publishing more than 2,000 newspapers and special periodicals andthrough official micro-blog for enterprise, COP platform and PPT files etc. Sevencorporate leaders were engaged in discussion, solicitation and evaluation ofcore and special culture and active in putting forward their advice and expectations.Directors from the CPC organizations at grassroots level, various corporatesubordinates and teams explained enterprise culture systematically and promotedthe enterprise culture construction, solicitation, evaluation and discussionthrough various forms, such as issue forms for soliciting comments, workshop onspecial topic solicitation and evaluation, intra-party meetings and lessons, CPCrelated theme day activity, remote video and WeChat etc. to unify the thinkingof employees and make their more courageous. The above activities wereconducted effectively and efficiently in upgrading the sense of identificationand ownership among corporate leaders and workers. As of August 23rd, 12 CPC organizationsdirectly under the company, more than 60 grassroots level party branches, 6temporary CPC organizations from projects directly under the company, grassrootslevel trade unions and youth leagues and various corporate subordinates havemade more than once disseminations and discussions about the Manual ofEnterprise Culture. Relevant statistics show that, over 1600 persons attendedmore than 100 workshops held for the corporate culture related activities. Morethan 2,111 forms on corporate culture solicitation and evaluation and 200pieces of comments thereon were received.

Subsequently, all attendants to the meeting sorted out the abovecomments and discussed further to raise their opinion and advice.

The meeting also mappedout the key activities for the next stage: 1. The office of the leading tealwill evaluates, optimizes and refine the opinions received and issue the sameto various specialized teams. The concepts of core and special culture and interpretationshall complete its refining before Sep 15th. 2. Based upon the culturalsolicitation and evaluation performed in various organizations, and opinionsraised by employees, prize winners for outstanding organizations and valuablesuggestions shall be identified .3. The process of corporate visual recognitionsystem and behavior culture shall be accelerated.

Xu pointed out in his summary speech, it is unprecedented that therewere so many employees engaged in the solicitation and discussions of enterpriseculture construction. As driven by various levels of corporate leaders in thecompany, the management and working staff actively participated in the eventand provided properly their input. The corporate culture solicitation anddiscussion improved cohesion and integration of concept and thinking among theemployees. It also attracted the young employee and was conducted efficiently.Xu required the discussion on results of corporate culture solicitation andevaluation should be organized, fed back and deepened as per the key dates inthe Work Plan for Corporate Culture Construction so as to pay a good way forenterprise culture refining, optimization and implementation in the comingstage.